Let the joyrides commence. Cruiser, our largest straw cup to date, keeps 40 oz of your favorite beverage cold for up to 20 hours, allowing you to enjoy everyday adventures without giving your hydration needs a second thought. It features an exclusive dual-function sip straw spill-proof lid, a comfy soft-grip handle, and a stay-put silicone bottom to keep it upright no matter your destination or how many stops you take on the way. Now available in three of Rifle Paper Co.'s iconic floral patterns. Attributes: Cup-Holder Friendly, Spill-Proof, Best For Cold Drinks, BPA Free.
Features: Up To 20 Hours Cold | Up To 9 Hours Hot | Flat Sides & Handle for Easy Grip | Dual Function Sip Straw Lid | Spill Proof | Comfort-Grip Handle | Non-Slip Silicone Bottom | Cupholder Friendly | Triple-Insulated Steel
Care instructions: Handwash Only